Columbia University's department of physics, the department of astronomy, and the THEA group celebrate the 95th birthday/retirement of Mal Ruderman.
Tentative agenda:
08:00am - 09:00am : Coffee/catered breakfast
09:00am - 09:10am : Welcome address by Yuri Levin (Columbia)
09:10am - 09:20am : Topic “TBD” by Marco Tavani (INAF, Rome)
09:20am - 09:30am : “Mal and some contributions via the JASON group” by Dick Garwin (IBM)
09:30am - 09:40am : “Binary Radio Pulsars, Recycling of Neutron Stars and Some History” by Ed Van Den Heuvel (Amsterdam)
09:40am - 09:50am : Topic “TBD” by Andrew Cheng (JHU)
09:50am - 10:00am : "Mal Ruderman, flux lines, vortex lines & neutron star B fields” by Ali Alpar (Sabanci)
10:00am - 10:10am : “A Tale of Two Pulsar Models” by Andrei Timokhin (Zielona Gora)
10:10am - 10:20am : “Local and Global Dynamics of Vortices in Neutron Stars” by Bennett Link (Montana State)
10:20am - 10:35am : Coffee break
10:35am - 10:45am : “The power of neutron stars in binaries” by Wlodek Kluzniak (NCAC Warsaw)
10:45am - 10:55am : “Encountering Mal Ruderman, Columbia and Physics/Astronomy in the 1970s” by Alak Ray (TIFR, Mumbai)
10:55am - 11:05am : “On the Origin of Millisecond Pulsars” by David Helfand (Columbia)
11:05am - 11:15am : “Pulsar Theory at Columbia” by Ashley Bransgrove (Columbia)
11:15am - 11:35am : “Pulsar Emission: 55 Years After” by Sasha Philippov (Maryland)
11:45am - 12:30pm : Lunch break
12:30pm - 01:45pm : Colloquium on “Measuring Neutron Stars” by Cole Miller (Maryland)
01:45pm - 02:30pm : Toast to Mal/short speeches
02:30pm - 03:00pm : Reception & Depart
RSVP here.
Please visit here for information on how to get to Pupin Hall (home of THEA and venue for Mal-fest), and options for accommodation.