The structure of relativistic magnetized shocks: from order to chaos
High-frequency precursor emission is an inherent feature of relativistic magnetized shocks, including monster shocks that form in the inner magnetar magnetosphere. The emission is produced in what appears to be a resonant cavity, consisting of a double soliton structure. In this talk, I'll first present recent PIC simulations of monster shocks that reveal the generation of a precursor X-mode, and argue that it might explain some FRBs. I'll then describe an analytic solution of a magnetized shock that we derived recently, and show that dissipation in such shocks does not require collective plasma effects. Rather, the dissipation involves divergence of trajectories (transition to chaos) in a solitary wave, as quantified by the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents. The analytic solution elucidates some features seen in PIC simulations of magnetized shocks.