Title: Expanding the diversity of tidal disruption events
Abstract: Tidal disruption events (TDEs) occur when a star is tidally shredded by a supermassive black hole (SMBH). They are a key probe of SMBH demographics and accretion physics. Optical surveys have been key for identifying TDEs, but searches have, until recently, relied on the properties of known TDEs to develop selection criteria, leading to TDE samples that likely suffer from significant selection effects. This talk will summarize efforts to expand the landscape of TDEs using both radio and optical surveys. I will first discuss highlights from radio TDE searches - in particular, a sample of radio+optical TDEs that suggest that expanding our TDE searches may illuminate fundamentally different (lower mass, gas-rich) systems. I’ll then discuss efforts to find unusual TDEs in optical surveys, including a unique repeating event. I’ll conclude with a brief summary of ongoing efforts to expand our optical TDE selection and initial results.